Eva has been a member of the British Columbia branch since November 2009. Currently, Eva holds the position of webmaster for the branch.
Eva served on the BC branch executive as professional development co-chair, 2011–2013. During that time, she worked with two other executive members to bring the branch’s executive handbook up to date. Eva was also part of the planning team for the first PubPro unconference, a professional development event for managing editors and publication production specialists.
When asked what motivates her to take on the work, Eva explains: “The BC executive is a great group of people. They have been a pleasure to work with.” Eva adds: “EAC is very valuable to my professional success, so it’s very satisfying to be part of providing great services to EAC members. Professional development is an important EAC benefit to me, so it’s been very satisfying to help line up a program of great instructors.”
Until recently, Eva also volunteered to edit descriptions of microloans on the website of Kiva, a non-profit organization that provides microloans to individuals, entrepreneurs and small businesses worldwide. Eva retired from this position after editing a remarkable 1,000 loan descriptions.
The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.
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