
Sometimes in-house editors are asked questions about how long an edit will take or what is involved. Here is a presentation that you can use to talk to your colleagues and supervisors.
It’s true that most Editors Canada members are business owners, so many of the services and benefits are tied to their needs. However, we represent all editors in Canada, so we offer many resources that will greatly benefit in-house editors across the country.
Since 1979, Editors Canada has been providing high-quality training for editors at every stage of their careers.
The training Editors Canada provides goes beyond what you learn on the job. We offer the professional development you need to stay on top of your game and to take your skills to the next level.
We offer a range of courses on:
- everyday skills like proofreading, copy editing and developing study guides
- niche topics like SEO, ethics for editors, technical editing and picture research
Editors Canada’s local seminars, webinars and national conference are open to members and non-members. As a benefit of membership, members always pay lower registration fees.
Most successful people have been mentored, whether they realize it or not. Mentoring, whether formal or informal, goes beyond what you can learn from courses or books. It is one of the best ways to acquire the confidence, positive attitudes and ethical viewpoints that you need to thrive in your career. This interactive relationship often benefits the mentor as much as the mentee.
Many in-house editors work alone without the benefit of a senior peer on staff who can offer coaching and confidence-building.
Having a mentor:
- helps you acquire new editing knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
- empowers you through coaching and encouragement to deal with editorial and work issues
- provides an opportunity for you to clarify your thoughts and get feedback
- increases your confidence through a stable source of advice, support and encouragement
- provides you with an important networking contact and guidance on professional development and career issues
Networking isn’t just for freelancers. In-house editors need to network, too.
Networking is good for your professional development. When you talk to other editors, you:
- increase your knowledge
- stay up to date on usage and current editing practices
- find solutions to editing issues
You also learn a lot about the social skills needed to be a good editor. That includes how to successfully query authors, how to manage difficult clients and how to keep people on schedule.
Some branches have get-togethers for in-house editors where you can talk with other employees about the particular challenges and needs of your group. These might include time management, project management and relationships with other people on your teams (such as designers).
It’s also a good way to find contract editors for your organization if they’re ever needed.
Being part of a community is also good for your psyche. Finding a group of likeminded people in your industry can help you build skills and motivation in your work. Sometimes it’s good to just be able to talk to people who understand why you care about that comma or that usage.
Editors Canada members, working together as an association, can provide services that no online group (Facebook, LinkedIn) can. Editors Canada can, for example, lobby for change, speak for editors, publish books, certify editors and offer discounts and services.
In-house editors can be a part of that, and making your needs known can influence the services and discounts that the association provides.
In-house editors need training and resources, just like freelance editors. Members of Editors Canada get discounts on numerous items such as:
One of the things members get to do is volunteer. This is a great way to get experience at a new skill, one that you can bring to your job and add to your resumé.
Classroom training is excellent but there is so much that you can learn by on-the-job volunteer work or by working with other people. You can find more information on the professional development benefits of volunteering:
- in this presentation: Develop and Maintain Your Skills: Volunteering …
- in Iva Cheung’s blog post about that session