Editors’ Association of Canada launches Canada’s first French editing certification program


Toronto, May 22, 2015—The Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) is proud to announce the launch of the first French editing certification program in Canada. Through Programme d’agrément en révision linguistique – Réviseurs Canada (PARL), French-language editors will now be able to earn designations such as réviseur agréé and professionnel agréé en révision générale et comparative.

French-language editors now have a tool to evaluate their competency in editing and can earn official recognition from a professional association. What’s more, businesses, governments, organizations, agencies and individuals that produce written communication will be able to hire French-language editors with proven competency—something that has not been available to them in the past.

“We’re thrilled to launch French editing certification,” says EAC interim president Moira White. “We blazed the trail for the editing profession in Canada by launching our landmark English-language editing certification program nine years ago. With PARL we’re now literally setting the standard for French editing in Canada too.”

PARL is composed of two exams: the examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale, which will focus on French editing; and the examen en révision comparative, which will test concordance in editing of text that has been translated from English to French. The exams will be offered on an annual rotating schedule, with the examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale being administered this year in partnership with Université Laval. This first exam will take place on Saturday, October 17, at Université Laval in Quebec City. PARL is open to all editors, whether they are members of the Editors’ Association of Canada or not.

Registration for the examen d’agrément en révision linguistique générale is now open. Visit the PARL website for details.

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About the Editors’ Association of Canada

Additional information about PARL, including the Guide de préparation à l’examen d’agrément general, is available online.

The Editors’ Association of Canada/Association canadienne des réviseurs began in 1979 as the Freelance Editors’ Association of Canada to promote and maintain high standards of editing. EAC is the voice of editors in Canada, with 1,500 members and affiliates, both salaried and freelance, who work in the corporate, technical, government, not-for-profit and publishing sectors. EAC’s professional development programs and services include professional certification, an annual conference, seminars, guidelines for fair pay and working conditions, and networking with other associations. EAC has six regional branches: British Columbia; Prairie Provinces (currently on hiatus); Saskatchewan; Toronto; National Capital Region; and Quebec/Atlantic Canada, as well as smaller branches (called twigs) in Calgary, Alberta; Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph, Ontario; Hamilton/Halton, Ontario; Kingston, Ontario; Nova Scotia; and Newfoundland and Labrador. www.editors.ca

Media Contact

Michelle Ou
Communications Manager
Editors’ Association of Canada
Association canadienne des réviseurs
416 975-1379 / 1 866 226-3348

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