EAC: National e-news update, May 19, 2015

News, events, tips and updates for members of the Editors’ Association of Canada

In this issue:

1. CONFERENCE: Introducing Blue Pencil Sessions
3. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!
4. PUBLICATIONS: Print edition of ECE3 to launch at Editing Goes Global
5. PARL: French certification information sessions
6. CERTIFICATION: Pilot testers needed
7. BRANCH NEWS: BC’s PubPro unconference a success

1. CONFERENCE: Introducing Blue Pencil Sessions

This year, Editing Goes Global is offering something new that unites writers and editors: Blue Pencil Sessions. We are asking editors to volunteer to read a piece from participating authors and then meet for 20 minutes to provide editorial advice.

In these powerful sessions, writers get an opportunity to understand the work of editors and how an effective author-editor relationship can heighten their work and understanding of their own life with the pen.

Authors will pre-submit up to 3,500 words, though shorter pieces are preferred as a courtesy to editors offering their time at the conference.

Editor-writer teams will pair up to discuss the author’s pre-submitted piece, and authors are encouraged to ask their editors for some simple career guidance when time permits.

We expect that editors and authors can grow through sharing their side of the editorial process through the dialogue at this session. And perhaps editors and authors may find a match in one another and go on to work together.

The Blue Pencil Sessions are being offered on Friday, June 12, from 11:30 a.m. to approximately 12:30 p.m. If you would like to volunteer as an editor, please contact Stacey Curtis.

Speed Mentoring

The list of speed mentors is now up on the conference website . If you wish to register, please email Joanna Odrowaz.

There’s still time to register for Editing Goes Global!

Registration closes on Sunday, May 31, so don’t delay! One-day, two-day, three-day and student conference options are still available—as are discounted rates for EAC members and affiliates. Visit www.editinggoesglobal.ca to register now.


Headshot of Linda Sherwood

Linda Sherwood is wrapping up her second term as co-coordinator of EAC’s Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph twig, a position she has held since 2013. She has belonged to the twig since 2012 and is being recognized for her commitment, enthusiasm and dedication in promoting the editing profession. She has helped manage twig-related administrative duties, organized monthly meetings, and, overall, stood out as “a role model and consummate professional,” says co-coordinator Susan Gow.

“I was motivated to volunteer with our twig because I value the regular interaction with our group members and the opportunity to further my professional development,” says Linda. “Most of all, I value the opportunity I’ve had to develop friendships with some really talented, knowledgeable and supportive fellow volunteers.

“EAC puts me in regular contact with smart, experienced and well-informed people—and gives us all the freedom to ‘talk shop.’ I have learned so many valuable things from my fellow EAC editors!”

A graduate of the University of Waterloo’s Rhetoric and Professional Writing program, Linda began freelancing exclusively in 2005. She specializes in corporate writing and editing for the professional services industry as she enjoys the challenge of making technical, complex documents clear, enjoyable to read and persuasive.

The Volunteer of the Month highlights the dedicated people who keep EAC going. Volunteers are the backbone of EAC. We are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed. Visit the Members’ Area for more information about actively participating in EAC.

3. MEMBER NEWS: A round of applause!

Toronto branch member Tania Pattison has published a textbook for advanced-level students in university and college ESL programs. Critical Reading is published by Pearson Canada and was officially launched in Toronto and Vancouver in March. Tania is a freelance writer and editor of ESL teaching and resource materials. Based in Peterborough, Ontario, she works with publishers around the world; her recent projects include writing and editing work with clients in Canada, the UK, Dubai, Malaysia, Poland, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Do you have a recent achievement? Let EAC tell the world about it on the member news page. If you have member news to share, drop our member news coordinator a line.

4. PUBLICATIONS: Print edition of ECE3 to launch at Editing Goes Global

Attending Editing Goes Global on Saturday, June 13? Don’t miss the launch of the print edition of Editing Canadian English 3 (ECE3) at 2:15 p.m., just before the annual general meeting. Pick up your copy at the special conference price of $40, tax included. And that’s not all! We’ll also be launching Editorial Niches: A Companion to Editing Canadian English 3—a 200-page paperback filled with useful information and tips for new and seasoned editors alike—for only $15!

Reserve your copy

To reserve your copy of ECE3 or Editorial Niches for pickup at the conference, send an email to Anne Louise Mahoney by Sunday, May 31.

Online edition

For just $25/year for EAC members and affiliates, you’ll have the go-to guide for Canadian English usage at your fingertips. To get the EAC discount, visit EditingCanadianEnglish.ca and use the membership code MoreThanMeetsTheEh.

5. PARL: French certification information sessions

Want to know more about Programme d’agrément en révision linguistique – Réviseurs Canada (PARL)? Attend one of the information sessions the Comité Agrément/Principes will offer in Quebec in the coming weeks.

Quebec City

Date: Thursday, May 28
Location: Université Laval, salle 2B, Pavillon Charles-De Koninck
Time: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Registration: Online


Date: Wednesday, June 3
Location: Centre St-Pierre
Time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Registration: Online

Committee chair Sandra Gravel will present the big picture for Canada’s first certification program for editing in French. She will also explain what led to the creation of the program, the partnership with Université Laval, and the committee’s work to develop the test, study guide and other resources. She will also provide some details about the first exam and how to prepare for it.

These information sessions are open to members, affiliates and non-members alike.

6. CERTIFICATION: Pilot testers needed

The phrase "Volunteer Opportunity" with a green arrow between the two words

Calling all editors: certification pilot testers needed

The certification steering committee is recruiting members in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa to take the copy editing and stylistic editing pilot exams on Saturday, September 12.

New this year: some volunteers in Vancouver will pilot a computer-based copy editing test.

Why help out?

  • There is no better way to practise for the actual certification exams than preparing for and writing a pilot test.
  • EAC will give you a free copy of the Study Guide, a $55 value, for each test you pilot.
  • You will receive notification of your result, which will help you to gauge whether you are ready for certification.

To ensure the validity of the pilot tests, volunteers should have at least five years’ experience in copy editing or stylistic editing, and should prepare as thoroughly as they would for the actual exams. Volunteers can write one or both tests; certified editors are welcome.

Testers will not be eligible to take the certification exams they have piloted in November 2015, but they can write them during the next administration, in two years.

If you’re interested, contact Sébastien Koch at the national office. Find out why pilot testers say this experience is an outstanding professional development opportunity.

7. BRANCH NEWS: BC’s PubPro unconference a success

For the third year in a row, the British Columbia branch teamed up with Publishing@SFU to host PubPro, an unconference for managing editors, production professionals, and anyone who manages publication projects. At this year’s day-long professional development event, participants gave presentations about

A written out schedule titled "PubPro 2015"

Photo: Michelle van der Merwe

  • editorial archiving;
  • Teamwork PM, a project management system;
  • building community;
  • Markua, a simple but powerful authoring tool; and
  • creating documents for people with print disabilities.

Participants also led discussions about

  • change management,
  • distribution for small publishers,
  • indexing,
  • STEM publishing, and
  • content management systems.

The day was capped off with a networking tea and an invigorating session of chair yoga. Event organizer Iva Cheung and her team of volunteers look forward to bringing people together again in 2016.

Wondering what’s happening in your neck of the woods? Visit your branch or twig page to find out about events in your area.

The EAC national e-news update is produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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