Those who have seen the 40th anniversary timeline on the Editors Canada website have experienced some of the enthusiasm and creativity Lisa Frenette brings to her work. Lisa joined Editors Canada in 2017, drawn by the way it supports editors “of all different walks of life and at different stages in their editing careers.” A member of Editors Toronto, she began volunteering on the communications and marketing committee, later joining the 40th anniversary task force.
Helping to create the interactive timeline was a rewarding experience. “Not only did I learn a lot about the history of Editors Canada, but I was able to have a hand in making something that was fun and memorable.” Her most recent volunteer work involved researching social media platforms to help Editors Canada use these tools in new and exciting ways.
Lisa established her freelance business, Scribble Editing, three years ago. Although she specializes in copy editing and proofreading, she considers herself “a bit of a chameleon,” tackling blogs, articles, online courses and marketing materials.
When not working or volunteering, Lisa loves to spend time outdoors relaxing at her cottage, camping with family, or walking the trails in Mississauga with her dog. “Being an editor means sitting in front of a computer a lot of the time. Being outdoors is how I ground and re-energize myself,” Lisa says.
Editors Canada certainly benefits from Lisa’s energetic contributions. And luckily for us, Lisa benefits as well. “Editing is an art of sorts,” she says. “What I love about Editors Canada is how the organization helps editors to perfect their craft, meet other editors and grow confidence in what they do.”
The featured volunteer recognizes the contributions of our dedicated people who keep Editors Canada going. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, and we are grateful for the many members and affiliates who answer the call when help is needed.
Want to make a difference in your association? Find out more about volunteering for Editors Canada.
~S. Robin Larin