![Learn how to tell stories about science in our Mar. 13 webinar with Kathryn Jepsen! You'll come away with an understanding of how to make four different story structures work: the news story, the explainer, the feature and the profile. Register now: webinars.editors.ca (link in bio)
Member price: $42 / Non-member price: $70
[Alt: Megaphone, notebook and laptop with Editors Canada logo on its screen, below text "Editors Canada webinar, Thursday, March 13, 1 PM ET. Four Basic Structures for a Science Article Aimed at the General Public: Learn how to tell engaging stories about scientific topics"]
(Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 © 123RF.com, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © 123RF.com)
#Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada](https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/477101928_937893388523084_354331923287329624_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_tt6&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=18de74&_nc_ohc=1_xP6VnA8k0Q7kNvgGsNWlJ&_nc_oc=AdifRUcvHwHuK3A6sx6UFHYgotvmEz-R27ZyF5b_CEKLlCFsrBB5VPKoF3O6eV6WAzM&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=AM6HXa8EAAAA&oh=00_AYDv7Bnsnr4WohigY0XtN0jnBeOdM4rCEnPBcmb6Q16_Uw&oe=67B5F240)
Learn how to tell stories about science in our Mar. 13 webinar with Kathryn Jepsen! You'll come away with an understanding of how to make four different story structures work: the news story, the explainer, the feature and the profile. Register now: webinars.editors.ca (link in bio) Member price: $42 /...
Register to join the EFA / Editors Canada Joint Academic Editing Book Club on Friday, February 21, at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET! We look forward to hosting a Q&A with Dr. Stephanie Evans to discuss her book Black Feminist Writing. Our host will be Dana Johnson of yourwordsonlybetter.com. This meeting will involve a discussion about the book among attendees and will not be recorded. To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkcO-rrTIsE9cg-vgJJ6H8IQpbafe-C8XR#/registration Use coupon code SAEB25 when buying directly from SUNY Press for 30% off. We hope to see you there!